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Becca Hedges

Dr. MacLean

Geo 3010-01

3 Mar. 2017


Reflection 8


Natural gas is becoming a more common fossil fuel to use for energy. There are many different ways of mining for natural gas. All mining processes change the landscape of the earth in some way.  Hydraulic fracking is no different. Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth with water issued at high pressure in an attempt to release any gas held in the area. The water used also contains sand and chemicals in order to allow the gas to flow out more readily. This system can be done horizontally which is the preferred angle but it can also be done vertically. It seems to work best when the water solution is done horizontally into the rock layer. The water injection itself will create new paths in which the gases will be released and the fracturing of the rock through the fracking process will create other paths. The term fracking was giving because it is fracturing the rock apart where the mixture is released at ( As with any type of mining there are pros and cons of fracking.


There are five major pros to fracking. First, there is more access to oil and gas. Because fracking can reach to depths that other extraction methods cannot, we now have access to many more natural deposits of gas and oil than we ever did before. This is a really important benefit, as many scientists previously thought that we had only a few years left to use fossil fuels before they ran out (Wihbey, 1). The second is lower taxes. A resulting effect from having access to more gas and oil is the lowering of taxes on essential things like gas and oil. Petroleum for cars as well as gas for cooking and heating will become easier to access and, therefore, cheaper. Third is being self-dependent. A lot of the international relationships between some of the biggest and most influential countries have to do with who has the most access to fossil fuels. Being able to access more gas and oil in our own countries, will give us better peace of mind should other countries start to hoard fossil fuels for themselves ( As population continues to increase, it makes more sense to look out for alternative sources for oil and gas at home rather than depending on other countries to meet local demand. Fourth is better air quality. Fossil fuels are just bad for the environment because of the chemicals that they release into the atmosphere. Getting away from coal in general could have an improvement on our atmosphere. Lastly fracking will produce jobs (


There are five major cons to fracking. First would involve less focus on renewable energy sources. If we are relying on fossil fuels and we have found a way to be able to rely on them for longer, research into alternative energy sources will decline. Second fracking could actually end up leading to more pollution in general. Because fracking uses so much water; as much as 100 times what other, conventional drilling uses to get to gas and oil deposits (, it has been linked to a decrease in the water supplies causing droughts as well as an increase in water pollution (Wihbey, 3). Water supplies in areas where fracking has recently taken place have tended to show an increased amount of dangerous chemicals ( Third, there will be constant noise pollution. The closer you are to the site, the louder it will be. Fourth due to the nature of the mixture used the spread of toxins will increase. Fracking companies are not legally obligated to state what exact chemicals they are using ( The fifth major con to fracking is that it has been linked as a potential source in the increase of earthquakes (Wihbey, 3).


To lower some of the environmental impacts caused from fracking companies are required to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act’s (SDWA). To me this should imply that they should disclose what chemicals are actually being used. This involves making sure that underground sources of drinking water remain within safe standards. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 only allow fracking companies to use diesel fuels. The EPA has changed the UIC Class II permitting guide to account for specific hydraulic fracking practices. Wastewater that is produced must be properly disposed of. This water could contain numerous hazards to humans and wildlife. This could be accomplished by placing the toxic water into pre-approved pits or even trying to recapture any chemicals from the water itself. The EPA has enforcement officers to help regulate and see that fracking companies stay in compliance. This office is the National Enforcement Initiative (EPA Article).


I do not believe that the US should be mining with the fracking method. Until more is known about what this is actually doing to the earth and nearby communities. Not just short term, but also long term. Just because it is a new quick fix method does not mean it is a good one to use. We should continue to research it and maybe develop it more if we can but until then we should follow France’s footsteps and ban the use of this method.

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